Not the hat silly!
Fantasy Earth Zero is making a contest at deviantart, which I'm joining.
Though my entry will really take all time it needs to get finished... ouch.
Here's a peek:

Fantasy Earth Zero is making a contest at deviantart, which I'm joining.
Though my entry will really take all time it needs to get finished... ouch.
Here's a peek:

Eurovision 2010
Totally missed it this year, wasn't as much fun when Sweden got kicked out before finals. (Ah well, hated our song anyway, pfff.)
Victor and Joseph are totally giving their coins for their country's song tho:

(Ireland's song was so cheezy, I couldn't hate it,,, it was... so much fun I died. Wish our song was as epic.)
Victor and Joseph are totally giving their coins for their country's song tho:

(Ireland's song was so cheezy, I couldn't hate it,,, it was... so much fun I died. Wish our song was as epic.)
Sommartider HEY HEY!
Sorry for the low updates this week! m(___)m
Well, it've been a calm yet interesting week. Came by this butterfly exibition at the library the other day.

This was just a small part of the owner's collection.
Some of the butterflies were REALLy big. Scary but pretty on the same time, scary!
I've also been busy studying.

Like handsome Charles *COUGH* here. Playing in the laboratory is lots of fun, tho having to write reports afterwards..... COME ON! I want fredoommm, it's like, 2 weeks left of my highs chool life.... Ah well, maybe I shoudle njoy it best i can.
Well, it've been a calm yet interesting week. Came by this butterfly exibition at the library the other day.

This was just a small part of the owner's collection.
Some of the butterflies were REALLy big. Scary but pretty on the same time, scary!
I've also been busy studying.

Like handsome Charles *COUGH* here. Playing in the laboratory is lots of fun, tho having to write reports afterwards..... COME ON! I want fredoommm, it's like, 2 weeks left of my highs chool life.... Ah well, maybe I shoudle njoy it best i can.
One week left of school... i've still some few things to finnish, but mostly everything is done. I really look forward to being free... for at least two months.

-My poor Aegis've lost her head... (It snapped when i tried to turn it a bit too much while trying to make one of the promo poses). But with some fixing paste it you can't even tell. And her head can turn in the most dynamic poses now. But i do NOT reccomend you to snap the heads of your figmas. XD

-My poor Aegis've lost her head... (It snapped when i tried to turn it a bit too much while trying to make one of the promo poses). But with some fixing paste it you can't even tell. And her head can turn in the most dynamic poses now. But i do NOT reccomend you to snap the heads of your figmas. XD
New tablet!
My greatly anticipated tablet finally arrived!
Wacom Bamboo fun - pen & touch - Ain't that beuty personfied?
It took lots of work to make it start though; for some reason the driving routine conflicted with the old Inotus 2 one (need to give that one back to the teacher I borrowed it from...), which resulted in lots of re- and uninstalling. Well, now it seems to be working as it should, and I can't wait to explore the new possibilities it'll reveal.
Art book
I'm thinking of making a small art book containing lots of the sketches I've posted here as well as other, more epic pencil works.
This is a progress of the cover... you can say:
This is a progress of the cover... you can say:

Jumping out from the frame
It've been so rainy of late, not that I mind; really enjoy playing Chopin's op. 28-15 (Raindrops) during days like theese. Also a good day for Zelda games! *laughs*
Thank you everyone who came and watched me paint details of this one yesterday by the way!
I'll uppload a work in process here, enjoy! <3

Thank you everyone who came and watched me paint details of this one yesterday by the way!
I'll uppload a work in process here, enjoy! <3

Är do böök?

Had chem test today, it went really well! So now imma gonna spend the rest of the evening sketching stupid stuff.
It seems like that dude broke the world record after all! Horray! Though... all my friends who saw him do it live says it was all just a joke; the guy didn't even run! He was just hauled town to the ground like a bunge jumper. Ah well, I guess...
I've been a bit sick/busy of late, got a really big test coming up on Wednessday.... All i can manage to draw are those 3 minute thumbs... Yeah, they look really weird. XDD
Pfff whut?

I've been a bit sick/busy of late, got a really big test coming up on Wednessday.... All i can manage to draw are those 3 minute thumbs... Yeah, they look really weird. XDD

Pfff whut?

Feelin' the tension in town
Something tragic happened yesterda in my town; a 16 year old girl got murdered by a aquintance; he was the same age on top of that. I felt so horrible and disgusted I had to skip my planned study streak at the library and go home. Dunno, but there was this cold mood in town, so if I'd stayed I'd just start thinking about the discussions we had about it in class.
On another note, a world record is about to be beaten in town this very week!

A man is going to (or at least try) beat the current record for 100 meters "vertical run" this saturday, preparations could be seen around Skrapan (the only real sky scraper in my town, lul). This seems so cool, sadly I can't see it since I'm having my school bal the same day. *sobs*
Whoa, a real LIFE entry for once! This is strating to feel like a real blog, haha.
On another note, a world record is about to be beaten in town this very week!

A man is going to (or at least try) beat the current record for 100 meters "vertical run" this saturday, preparations could be seen around Skrapan (the only real sky scraper in my town, lul). This seems so cool, sadly I can't see it since I'm having my school bal the same day. *sobs*
Whoa, a real LIFE entry for once! This is strating to feel like a real blog, haha.
It's so hot!
Man, finally! May is here, and with it a brilliant blue sky and shining sun! And the buds are finally blooming! I've missed the feeling of true spring, I feel so touched, haha.
Not much drawing have been done this week end, mostly I've just worked on the comic, eagerly avaiting the arrival of my brand new Wacom Bamboo Fun: Pen and Touch tablet! I sure hope I'll get more reasons to use CG once I get it, thanks to everyone who brought my books at SPX, if it weren't for you i wouldn't be able to afford it. <3

Updated this one.

+ a redesign of an old character, shiding is such a handful.
Not much drawing have been done this week end, mostly I've just worked on the comic, eagerly avaiting the arrival of my brand new Wacom Bamboo Fun: Pen and Touch tablet! I sure hope I'll get more reasons to use CG once I get it, thanks to everyone who brought my books at SPX, if it weren't for you i wouldn't be able to afford it. <3

Updated this one.

+ a redesign of an old character, shiding is such a handful.
media monster
