LEVEL's review on XIII
8 + a rather poetic rant about how the series' new dawn had been ripped appart from it's core in such a terrible way. Less like a JRPG yet it could be NOTHING else. Yet- 5 pages away or so White Knight chronicles gets a 6 for being a plain, classical JRPG.
Man, just what are they expecting from the JRPG genre? And what are all those dissappointed fans, throwing the game out after like 20 hours expecting? A new FF VII?
Well, I haven't played the game yet, though I think it deserves much more respect than this, especially patience. According to the reviews I've read, the story twists and those loved exploration elements return a bit into the game. Though I can understand some fan's frustration; after how big and mighty SE have become many games lacked the usual quality, though in my opinion that quality loss has never reached the FF series. But apparently a slow kick-off seems to be rather unwelcomed in the end I guess. OTL
Well, FF have been a very important series to me, yet I don't have as high expetations for as I have for series like Tales of and Crystal Chronicles (lol), but I'll see this one through! >3
...PMS sucks!

I'll CG this one later.
The music theory lession had been cancelled last week, but I got to watch a concert in its stead!
-The concert hall.
Gabriel Fauré's Requiem was masterfully played by the town's orchestra combined with vocals by 'Radiokören' (The radio choir)... I'd love to listen more of those. *w*
ACK! I don't think I'll be able to go to 'Distant worlds' in Stockholm, all the tickets are probably sold out now. OTL
The worst thing with the 3-gen machines gotta be the fact that the controllers use, and practically EAT batteries.
Enough ranting, here's a wip:

(click for ful res ;w;)
Just because it've been a while; dumping some Jacob-sketches from the last two weeks.
- Nicolai, Jacob's twin brother. (LOL I KNOW! XD)
Lol, they both wear clogs when they battle.
Man, i wish i could afford a new tablet!