
Lately there've been a lot of talk on the news which tires me. Doodled some happy kids to cheer myself up.

Spread the love!


Nurse uniform design. It's not naughty at all!


It's St: Lucia's day today!
This is a quite rare celebration connected to christmas that I only think Scandinavia and some South-European countries do. Well, enough about that.

Still no worthy art to show.. So I'll post this sneaky photo I took during 'Alumnidagarna' I told you about before.

Starbreeze's game tester graced us a visit. There were also more people from other mayor game developement companies who had an open discussion forum that morning... Sadly though, I couldn't sleep well enough that night to feel like waking up to go. Pity!


Damnit, missed it yesterday, really sorry!!

Went to listen to a concert yesterday, seemed like it was some kind of nationalwide 'christmas concert'-day. Music by Achangelo Corelli by the island's orchestra, followed by some Chopin piano pieces I liked very much. The final part was Schumann's piano concerto played by both the orchestra and the pianist. It was truly epic!

Here is a part of the pieces we heard yesterday (not played by the same orchestra though).

My favorite part is at 4.00. <3


Waah, being late again!!

The temprature rose a bit today, causing much of the snow to melt and thus making the ice on the streets much more slippery. Hapilly I wasn't outdoors that much today, spent most of this day in the school building, having a gaming LAN with some classmates to get my mind a rest. But even though the weather haven't been the best the christmas spirit is strong here in this small, ancient town.


Argh, slept too late yesterday. Not good for my face. *pulls chins up and down*

Today I thought I'd share the complete mood thumbnail sheet I made. Click for full res!


First day of the 'Alumnidagarna', which is an event at school where various pros and scientists come from all over the world (mostly Europe and the US though) to talk about their profession and so on.
It was fun, but tiring; had to wake up really early and then I sat there and listened for like, 7 hours. I shyly showed one of the pro artists my sketchbook too. Super emberassing (especially since I had a cracky pic of a guy wearing a mantini in it), but I got some good feed back.

Umf, gotta keep my courage up!

(No pictures today! Really sorry, but I'd want nothing more than crawling to bed and read "A wizard from Earthsea".)


I'm being late again!


Today I thought I'd share a mood thumbnail made for 2D concept production class:

In this assignment we were to create 5 simple mood shots like this one that describes the mood of your production (in my case a game). I know about the hairdresser helmet thing; looks like the character resting in this device is getting the ultimate spa treatment or something, haha. But this is not the final design.
I've... still 2 more to finish!


Though I'd share some comic thumbnails today!

Those are based of a "novel"-version of the script, quickly sketched to give myself an overview of the lay out for each page as well as measuring how I can divide the story of a capter in comic pages.



dec 4th

3rd went -elsewhere-. I'll give you more info about those other blogs I have in due time.

Waah, haven't doodled today, guess I'll just post some random pic from my harddrive then, enjoy!

Dec 2'd

Time for another update!
The streets of Wisby are all white now, looks really beutiful and cozy with the chrismas lights and decorations around town... A bit like in a story book. I'll see if my mobile cam can manage to get me a good picture of it!

Another piece of art update. Linearting the concept from yesterday!


1:st of December-

I'm totally gonna copyi my pal Elonion now; posting a new post on one or more of my 3 blogs every day with art till the 24th.

Starting with showing this thumbnail I sketched out the other day:

Illustration for my comic, Mauritz. (Previously a joint project with Gottschalk.)
Concentrating a lot on shape and movement, decided to finish the lines, we'll see if I feel like coloring or toning (or both) it afterwards, it'll be a big project since I always tend give digital lines extra much time.


Whoa, been a while, I'm sorry! Not really done anything out of the ordinairy/drawed much of worth.

Got'cha, Santa!

A bad person



Figured it've been a while since I did a picture update! So here it is-

Detail from a much bigger picture. Thought up for a school perspective-drawing assignment.
The theme was free except that if required to contain at least 2 windows, one character and a box (Thus the box in his hand XD).

Here's a thumbnail of the finished version. 

There's still hope

My ten year old cousin told me she admired my drawing manga... I'm so touched, I feel like crying.. ;_;
And I just realized; there may still be hope for comic artists like me!


I've been wondering; How come all casual shirts for women are so fricking low-necked? Seriously... It seems to be the only kind I can find, and it lets a big chunk of skin under my neck naked and cold. D8
Urgh, maybe I should start wearing scarves indoors...


Gyahh, school eats me!!

Everyone wants me as their lead artist/character designer/whatnot that gives me the job to draw like, everything.
From one of the most recent ones:

[insert name here] Birdman.

And Some WIP. There's a shield in front of him that I cut off on this one because it ruins the view.

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